Digoo IP Camera Teardown and Links

I was just looking at unfinished posts and noticed that I’d taken, but not published, a bunch of notes I’d made earlier this year in hopes of hacking better firmware onto the Digoo BB-M2 WiFi PTZ Security Camera.I gave up on the quest, but here are my notes, with minimal editing.

Someone mentioned that the Chinese language page for Netcam360 has a link to the IPC-SDK. When I downloaded it and looked inside, I saw client-side code, but there was also a self-extracting archive called “HSmartLink Win32 SDK” and I remembered the PCB marking started with “HSL.” Searching for HSmartLink brings up hsmartlink.com, which, among other things, has IP webcams! The i9812 looks like a good match for my camera!

Unfortunately, no sign of any firmware updates. I checked the .cn version of the site too. It doesn’t seem as up to date on products (i9812 isn’t listed), and while there is more info in support section, it is still quite sparse. Page that looks like it is intended to link to downloads hasn’t been updated since 2015

Company is “Shenzhen Hsmartlink Technology Co. Ltd”

FCC Database listing for company

So what is the relationship to NetCam360 (check whois & IP ) and they mysterious APKLink?

Nmap Pobe

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2017-02-06 18:38 PST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0043s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
23/tcp open telnet
81/tcp open hosts2-ns
MAC Address: E0:B9:4D:8F:61:6C (Shenzhen Bilian Electronicltd)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.49 seconds

Teardown Inventory



Module with Mediatek MT7601UN


  • 15UDN8WY, ULN2803AG 18Pin in 2-row SMD
  • Darlington Transistor Array: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/uln2803a.pdf
  • Probably used for driving PT motors

Atmel 542

  • 24C02N, SU27D
  • AT24C02
  • Two-wire serial EEPROM (2K)

Vertical PCB

  • SF1810-002, www.sufeitech.com. PCB antenna?

oosilicon or dosilicon?


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